Our Programs

We Are Still Neighbors Pledge Campaign

In our community, we believe that despitethe changes and challenges we face, we arestill neighbors. Our mission is to foster acommunity where love, respect, and safespaces are at the core of our interactions.Together, we pledge to uphold these valuesand promise to take action to createsolutions that benefit everyone.

Southern Colorado Juneteenth Festival

The staple OneBodyEnt yearly free multi-day festival acknowledging and celebrating people of all races and nationalities with national headliner performances, educational segments, fashion and vending. www.csjuneteenthfetival.com

Annual Multi-Cultural Black History Program

Our annual Black History Month event honors prominent and undiscovered historical figures through reenactment, music, dance, fashion, poetry and other honorary tributes. It is an all-inclusive community production funded, produced and delivered through talents within our community members and affiliates. This donation only event features numerous participants from 4 years old to elderly.

Southside / K-Land 4th of July BBQ

Our annual 4th of July BBQ is held in the heart of the K-Land community at John Adams park. Free for all 'Southside' residents, family & friends. Live D.J., games, face painting, and other wholesome fun activities. Our annual BBQ has fed +5,000 peopls since 2014. 

History of Colorado: Honoring Heroes in our Community

This annual event honors historical figures in Colorado History, past and present, through reenactment, tribute, music, dance, fashion and poetry. We showcase the talents of many of our community members. This donation-only event has averaged 15-20 featured participants from various ages from 4 years old to elderly adults. We honor the impactful members of the community in Colorado presently with a plaque. 

Annual Back to School Giveaway

In collaberation with Ebenezer Baptist Church and International Salon and Spa Academy, OneBodyEnt hosts a yearly back-to-school event and backpack giveaway for all students and guardians. Free backpacks loaded with school supplies, are provide to all K-12 students along with free haircuts from volunteer barbers and stylists. We provide a fun safe environment with refreshments, music and games for all attendees.

This event is an extremely strong outreach program giving back to the community assisting parents and guardians with cost of their children's school needs. Since 2015 OneBodyEnt has given out +4,000  backpacks with supplies and +3,000 haircuts. 

Think PINK honors: Breast Cancer Awareness Celebration

"Think Pink!" is a donation-based event that honors three breast cancer survivors and provides resources and information to spread awareness. The program was inspired by Will Starks, a board member whose mother-in-law passed away from breast cancer. Honorees are bestowed survivor plaques in her honor.

During the ceremony, the local community members' talents are showcased for fun and entertainment and averages 10-15 showcase participants of various ages. Past events have attracted celebrities who are survivors of breast cancer or are otherwise affected.

Annual Alumni High School Basketball Game

Each Summer, OneBodyEnt hosts an annual rivalry basketball game to engender the fun tradition and honor some of Colorado Springs' longest-standing high school rivalries. Proceeds are donated to all participating learning institutions, including Sierra, Harrison, Mitchel, Doherty and Palmer H.S. and athletic programs. Players who compete must be graduates of participating schools. 

Raising Queens with a Mission

Our Raising Queens with a Mission program is an empowering mentee and mentor group designed for girls and young women aged 4-21. Participants are encouraged to live our values derived from SELF-RESPECT, LOVE, ESTEEM, and POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. The group meets throughout each month for fellowship (Queen's Corner) and classes that teach life skills, proper etiquette, virtuous conduct, self-worth, best hygiene practices, leadership and communication skills.

K-Land Community Cares Study Point Tutoring Program

Our tutoring program offers English, Reading, Math and Science study sessions for K-12 students through virtual and in-person learning. Our teachers are certified volunteers from various local school districts and retirees of comparable backgrounds.

Mural Unveiling at John Adams Park
in honor of local icon Sam Dunlap

This mural is a tribute and representation for a local icon who has served our community over 5 decades, along with some unsung heroes that grew up in this very community and that Sam Dunlap has directly impacted and influenced. The mural is a 'visual history' for the community to see, remember, and honor community figures that directly impacted the Southside / K-Land community in a positive way and influenced change for the betterment of our society.

Teen Night

Friday's at Hillside Community Center  from 7pm-11pm is the OneBodyEnt Teen night! Free entry, food and beverages for teens 12 and up. Basketball, open mic, music, dancing, arts and crafts, structured activities, tutoring and mentorship. This weekly night is powered by our Men of Influence. 

Change and Make a Difference Drug Program

Our Change and Make a Difference program includes live entertainment along with presentations discussing the pitfalls and consequences of drug use and abuse and the criminal behavior that it involves.