WE ARE STILL NEIGHBORS pledge campaign

In this culture of angst, and anxiety, distrust, discord, and violence, we must remember that WE ARE STILL NEIGHBORS.

That means we are committed to building community, compassion, caring, and doing our part to change the tone, stop violence, and BUILD a city TOGETHER that doesn't just talk, but demonstrates our shared values of compassion, listening, learning, non-violence, and respect. It is time to put our resources together and open all lines of communication.

We say enough of the violence, enough of the disrespect, enough of the political, social, religious, economic, and geographic division.

It's time to love our neighbors as ourselves, because regardless of our differences, WE ARE STILL NEIGHBORS.

We CHOOSE TO BUILD rather than break down, and together, we can rebuild, reshape, and ultimately transform the conversation, and our community. But this "we" has to begin with "me." I will be responsible to do my part, & invite others to do the same.

So I pledge to listen, to learn, to show up, to PARTICIPATE in making our city a better place for EVERYONE.

I will slow my frustration, and take responsibility for my words, my actions, my attitude and my physical and online presence.

You & I, me to we - we're better together and together we CHOOSE TO BUILD a vibrant community where we remember that no matter what, WE ARE STILL NEIGHBORS